Contact Us

420 Windy Point Drive
Wapato, WA 98951
Tasting Room: (509) 877-6824
Fax: (509) 877-2077
Tasting Room Hours
Open Daily 10AM – 6PM
Spring & Fall:
Open Thursday thru Monday 10AM – 5PM / Closed Tuesday & Wednesday
Hours vary / Closed for regular tasting but accomodate purchases and pick-up’s – please call ahead
**If joining us with a large group or traveling with a large vehicle, such as, a trailer, motor home or bus, please call ahead. We like to prepare ourselves for large groups and we also have limited turn around.
Email Information
Winemaker: Liz Stepniewski – [email protected]
Tasting Room: [email protected]
Marketing: [email protected]
Wine Club, Shipment & Website: [email protected]
Windy Point Fruit Ranch & Vineyards Office – [email protected]
From Ellensburg
Take I-82 to Exit 40
Turn right onto Yakima Valley Highway
Continue for 2 miles
Take a left onto West Parker Heights Road
Continue for a half mile and watch for Windy Point Vineyards signs
Turn left onto Windy Point Drive
Continue up road to the top
Parking is located in front and back of tasting room
From Tri Cities
Take I-82 to Exit 40
Turn left onto Yakima Valley Highway
Continue for 2 miles
Take a left onto West Parker Heights Road
Continue for a half mile and watch for Windy Point Vineyards signs
Turn left onto Windy Point Drive
Continue up road to the top
Parking is located in front and back of tasting room